Conference Speaker

Marcus & Rachel Leman

Marcus & Rachel Leman
Marcus & Rachel have been serving in Bible Translation since 2017. Marcus has a B.A. in Global Ministry from the Moody Bible Institute, an M.Div in Biblical Exegesis from Bethlehem Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Old Testament from Southern Seminary. Rachel has a B.A. in Applied Linguistics from the Moody Bible Institute. Their translation consulting work helps provide mother-tongue translation teams with training, resources, and a final accuracy check before publication. These teams are scattered throughout the globe. They are also heavily involved in training other translation consultants and teaching biblical Hebrew. They are blessed with four children: Benaiah (2010), Nathaniel (2013), Greta (2015), and Caleb (2017) who are courageously tackling their homeschool adventure. They make their home in Muskegon, MI. When not at work or study you can find the Lemans in the woods, in the gym, or enjoying a good cup of coffee..

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