Conference Speaker

Glenn and Becky Kerr

Glenn and Becky Kerr
Glenn is the senior translation resource consultant for Bibles International, the Bible society of Baptist Mid-Missions. He and Becky his wife have been with BI for 29 years. His primary responsibilities are to oversee the resource needs of Bibles International’s translation projects and to work as a translation consultant in francophone West Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America. He has worked with over 35 different language groups to help them make Bible translations in their own languages. His undergraduate degree was in music from Bob Jones University, with proficiency in bassoon. He studied Bible in graduate school at BJU and completed a master’s degree in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He has done graduate studies in linguistics at Michigan State University and is currently working on a doctorate in biblical studies. He and his wife Becky reside in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from where he travels for Bible translation consultation. Becky, who in the past edited various BI publications, is now working on video scripts, and volunteers for special events. Both Glenn and Becky are eager to see Bible translation continue to flourish in the next generation, and as such are active in mentoring younger incoming members of the BI staff. Glenn also teaches Bible translation and linguistics on a modular basis at various schools and teaches translation principles to translation teams in various parts of the world. They are sent out by Berean Baptist Church of Grand Rapids. They have three married children, two sons and a daughter, and fourteen grandchildren.

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