Stripe has adjusted their ACH bank transfer fees.
We are thankful that God’s people have generously provided for the ministry here at First Baptist Church. We also believe that God blesses people for stewarding their finances well. If you have made your home with us at FBC, we hope that you will find great joy in participating in our ministry through your faithful giving.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matt. 6:21). How we manage our money is an outward manifestation of our heart. God desires that we worship Him with all that we have.
There is now an opportunity to cover the fee charged to thte church for receiving donations online.
We also want you to know that if you choose give by ACH transfer, a significantly smaller portion of your donation will be paid to STRIPE in fees. It takes a bit more effort to complete the setup process but, as you can see below, the benefits far outweigh the extra effort required.
The fees are as follows: