First Baptist Church seniors welcome any grandparents or age 50 and up to join us for monthly gatherings to enjoy warm Christian fellowship. This group cares less about “age” and loves to spend time together to share this “stage” of life.
The second Tuesday of every month is the regularly scheduled meeting day, often with potluck dinners in the church gym followed by a special speaker. Speakers vary from our pastoral staff, mission agency representatives, missionaries or someone to provide information on topics like Elder Abuse and Scams.
Monthly potlucks may be replaced by an occasional day trip where we meet at the church and carpool to a nearby location.
During the summer months, educational day trips may combine Mighty O.A.K.S. with families from First Baptist to share interaction between the generations!
Once a year, the Mighty O.A.K.S. plan to travel for a retreat with a two night / three day time of sharing devotions, fellowship, meals, games and activities.
Shuffleboard season runs from September to May. The group gathers on Monday mornings at 10 AM in the church gymnasium.