Adult Bible Studies Header

Our purpose is three-fold:

  • To Study God’s Word
  • To encourage fellowship within the body of FBC St Johns
  • To minister to and encourage one another in the Lord

For more information on small groups contact Pastor Chad.

Fall 2024 Small Group Options

Sunday School Hour Adult Small Groups
9:15-10:15 am on Sundays

Beginning September 8th

2 Corinthians
Doug Merignac

Psalms (1 Psalm each week)

The Eight Covenants of the Bible (currently on the Mosaic covenant) - Ambassador Class
Russ Benson

Steve Feldpausch

Foundations (for women)
Dee Chapman

Mathew (a continuing verse-by-verse study)
John Kresge

1 & 2 Thessalonians
John Leif

FAD - Families Affected by Disabilities
Once a month on the 2nd Sunday
Mike and Tammy Underwood

Wednesday Night Adult Bible Studies

All our studies will start with Awana on October 2nd:

Men’s Study: The Titus Ten: Foundations for Godly Manhood - J. Josh Smith
Foundations for godly manhood
Facilitator: Pastor Tim
Cost: $10

Women’s Study @ FBC: Acts - Nancy Guthrie:
A study through the whole book of Acts, which will continue in the spring
Facilitator: Ann Huffnagel
Cost: $5

Women’s Study off site: Esther - Lydia Brownback
Dig into the book of Esther and learn how God is faithful to keep his promises and deliver his people
This study will meet every other week and will continue in the spring
Facilitator: Julie Konieczny
Cost: $5

Combined Men’s and Women's Study @ FBC - The Old Testament book of Amos
God’s justice, the dangers of wealth, “the day of the Lord”, and God’s call for true worship. All these themes are covered in Amos
Facilitator: Pastor Chad
No Cost

Other Days/Times Studies

Mentoring Moms
This group of moms meets the first Thursday of each month, in ladies’ homes

Women's Daytime Midweek Study
"Belief that Behaves" a study in Ephesians
Facilitator: Sharon Kidd

Coffee Conversations for Men
A group for men that meets on the second Saturday of each month in the gymnasium

Men’s Group
John Kresge will be facilitating a men's discipleship group/Bible study every 2nd and 4th Monday evening from 7-8:30, starting on September 9th. This study will meet at Lane Bargeron's home. Topics will vary, but the focus is mutual growth in and love for Christ.

College Aged Bible Study
Time, topic and location to be determined

Young Women’s Study
Anna Ordway will be facilitating this group study in Habakkuk.
They will meet every other Thursday night 6:30-8 beginning on September 12

Couple’s Study (Once a month in the Konieczny home... Likely 2nd Sunday of the month, subject to change)
Pastor Chad and Julie